The Members are equivalent to shareholders of a company and have ultimate control over the direction of the school. They ensure that Trustees are acting in accordance with the school’s charitable object, receive the financial accounts and annual report, and appoint some of the Trustees. They are also the only body who can amend the School’s Articles of Association.
The Trustees are responsible for the three core strategic functions of governance (strategic direction, holding the Headteacher to account for educational performance and overseeing the financial performance of the school). Our Trustees are also company directors and are charity trustees. As such, they ensure compliance with charity and company law and the school’s funding agreement.
West Derby School Trust
Ian Andain
John Bernard Duncan
Karen Callant
Judith Kyle
Associated School Staff
Claire Fletcher (Business Director)
Viv McGarry (Director of Governance and Compliance – Clerk)
Erica Briscoe (Director of Data and Information)
Mike Thomas (Deputy Head)
Susan Wilkinson (Deputy Head)
Terence Conchie (Safeguarding Trustee)
Stuart Davies
Paula Glassey
Sian Graham (Headteacher)
Kate Hodgkiss (Chair)
Andrew Keen
David Kirkman
Alvin Kofi
James Misra
Ann Parry
Susan Poynton
Robert Smith (Vice Chair)
Sara Thomas
Matina Tsalavouta